Page name: The Fuck Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-06-01 03:16:01
Last author: Yanaba
Owner: Yanaba
# of watchers: 9
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sorry......can't cyber here anymore........any cybering that occurs here will be deleted. If you want to cyber that's your own business, just can't do it here. again sorry for any inconvenience.

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[Aleka]: yeah welll... atleast we know it so it won't be a shock when i start having back issues

[Alkor]: Yea.

[Aleka]: hello

[Alkor]: Ello

[Yanaba]: hey look a new person...and one of our hooker rooms has dissapeard.....curious.....*ponders*

[Aleka]: is that what happened? i was so confused!

[Alkor]: *walks in. cranks music up and plops in his bean bag chair*

[Aleka]: .....hello....

[Alkor]: *closes eyes and falls over*

[Aleka]: what are you drunk?

[Alkor]: never been drunk. justr in a little pissy mood as you can see why i plopped in the chair and cranked music up ><

[Aleka]: oh... should i leave?

[Alkor]: Naw..not that bad of a pissy mood. i'll just live. Your wiki though.

[Aleka]: ... no actually this is [Yanaba]'s wiki not mine 8P

[Alkor]: same thing...LOL...

[Aleka]: not really... but i'm sure she'd forgive me if i kicked people out..

[Alkor]: LOl..i wouldnt mind to be kicked out but you guess wouldnt do that to me XD If its her wiki then why your name on the wiki page thingy?

[Yanaba]: who needs to be kicked out????

[Aleka]: ...good question

[Yanaba]: i missed that whole convo...

[Aleka]: thats quite alright

[Alkor]: Good..LOL

[Aleka]: 8D

[Alkor]: *sits on ground and stares off*

[Aleka]: ....okay

[Wolf Of Love and lust]: *walks to a big tree and starts to climb it getting to the nearest branch and resting there watching everyone*

[Yanaba]: *walks into the hottub that no one ever uses*

[Alkor]: *stares at [Yanaba].* get a room XD

[Gone4Eva]: lol

[Yanaba]: what? i'm using the hottub. I like the hottub. It's nice and warm especially since it's so cold right now. There's one in my room too.

[Alkor]: OH..Lmfao

[Gone4Eva]: lol

[theblade]: *gets in the hot tub with yanaba*

[Gone4Eva]: lol

[Aleka]: .... *jumps into the hot tub*

[Alkor]: *gets naked and hoops in the hottub*

[Aleka]: ...hmmm... well.. here i am in jeans and a shirt... and anthony's naked... i wonder whats wrong with this picture

[Alkor]: you never discribed wht your wearing when you wen in the Hottub smarts *splashes you with the water*

[Aleka]: lol... well... i never said i got underdressed either so i just assumed that i was in the same clothes i'm usually in... *splashes you back*

[Alkor]: *mumbles at you*

[Aleka]: *sticks my tongue out at you*

[Alkor]: *licks your tongue* oh no. your wearing a white shirt *laughs and points*

[Aleka]: oh you know you like it ;)

[Alkor]: *smacks that boob* nop. not at all *sicks in the water. only head peeking out*

[Aleka]: that hurts! you bastard!! *smacks the top of you head*

[Alkor]: *tears and sicks under water*

[Aleka]: you smack my boob and expect sympathy!! i think not!

[Alkor]: *sigh* lmfao

[Aleka]: ;P

[Wolf Of Love and lust]: KILL HIM!

[Alkor]: Why kill me?

[Aleka]: ...umm... thats a bit extreme... but uh... thanks for the advice.. 8}

[Alkor]: your welcome

[Aleka]: ...i wasn't thanking you... you didn't give me any advice... and you smacked my boob! 8P

[Alkor]: *sigh*

[Aleka]: lol... sorry anthony... i love yous dispite my boob being brutally violated....

[Animal*Girl]: wow, poor boob!

[Alkor]: if you want me to leave i can

[Aleka]: anthony.. don't abuse my boobs though k

[Alkor]: i dont..lmfao

[Aleka]: lol

[Alkor]: hahahhaahhaah

[Yanaba]: ow.....i feel for ya mary....

[Aleka]: boobs are tender... don't abuse them... welll... not too often i should say

[Alkor]: *pokes your boob* HA.lmfao

[theblade]: lol u bastard boobs are to be loved not abused

[Aleka]: yeah!! do what the blade says!! be nice to my chest!

[Alkor]: *sigh*...*walks away*

[Aleka]: 8(... i don't understand you anthony.. can't take a little teasing... well new subject.. so how is everyone?

[Alkor]: I can but calling me bastard for doing what i did isnt going to cut it. You know im like that. sometimes but i was just messing around and know people are like getting mad at me. I dont know why. Guess they cannt handle ME and "MY" messing around or stuff. something w/e.

[Aleka]: ...i didnt call you bastard... i'm sorry that the blade did but i call people bastard all the time without meaning it... when you walk away it usually means your mad.. so if you weren't then i'm sorry.. but thats the way it usually works...

[Alkor]: I know but the thing is that i dont understnd is WHy all of a sudden people start getting mad or w/e for what i have done? I sometimes do that here to you but looks like people cannt handle it anymore. I sometimes smack your boob and shit but people think its rude know. something or w/e.

[Aleka]: ... anthony... i think your reading the blade's comment wrong... have you ever talked to him? cause i don't think he was mad i think he was teasing (for lack of a better word)... thats how i read it

[Alkor]: w/e but he had no business callling me that. I never done anything to him to desserved. You call me that all the time but don't bother me. But he. Hes a stranger whom i never talked to nor nows anything about me.

[Aleka]: let it pass anthony.. .the blade's a nice guy... don' t take it personally... *hugs anthony*

[Alkor]: *hugs back* I dunno i hes nice or not. DUnno if i want to know.

[Aleka]: ...well no one will make you know.. but don't take things so personally *snuggles anthony*

[Alkor]: *sigh*......*snuggles back*

[Aleka]: *grins and gives you a kiss on the cheek*

[Alkor]: rawr *kisses back*

[Aleka]: ;P

[Alkor]: *sways back and forth* La La La

[Aleka]: 8D.. .*huggles anthony* i'm off to bed... ttyl

[Alkor]: NOOO..*tear and cries*

[Aleka]: don't cry for me!! i will return on the morrow... but i am sick so i want to get sleep

[Alkor]: aighty

[Alkor]: Hey there.

[Aleka]: sarah.... she never does anything on this page but that damn smiley face

[Alkor]: HA. just a smiley mary

[Aleka]: yeah... maybe one day you will realize how much we miss out on when she justs puts a smiley up

[theblade]: hey man i wasn't really mad at you i was joking i didn't expect you to take it so hard. that's why i put the lol at the beginning

[Alkor]: *sneezes* Aight

[Yanaba]: woah...did i miss some drama here? what happend?

[Shadow Reaper]: *shrugs*....just a few misunderstandings is all

[Yanaba]: ah...ok *shrugs shoulders*, besides that, how's everyone doing?

[Shadow Reaper]: well, i'm doing alright....just the same as always....-__-;; which in my case means constantly aroused T.T

[Yanaba]: lol.....that can be good...or bad, depending. Bad if you gave sex or self-gratification up for lent, but if you're not Catholic, or just didn't give it up then you're all good! :)

[Shadow Reaper]: lol i'm not Catholic, and i haven't given it up, but the problem is finding someone in the same situation that i can....'talk' to ^^;

[Yanaba]: lol..."talking" sounds like fun, but unfortunately I can't right now because I have to get to bed soon. Damn school....they shouldn't do this to us after a 4day weekend!

[Shadow Reaper]: lol no, they shouldn't....*shrugs* i'll have more time this weekend, since i'm staying here in the dorms over the weekend

[Yanaba]: However, if you would like to leave a messege in my room I'll be happy to get back to you on a more convenient hour. ;D

[Shadow Reaper]: *smiles slightly* i think i might just do that

[Aleka]: lol...

[Aleka]: hello

[Shadow Reaper]: hi ^^

[Aleka]: how you doing?

[Shadow Reaper]: hmm, i'm doing alright....just wondering what i should do..and you?

[Aleka]: i'm about to go to work.. but other than that i'm good

[Shadow Reaper]: hmm, where do you work at?

[Aleka]: i work at a church daycare...

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 heh, i see

[Aleka]: yup... i'm gonna go get drolled on! and possible puked on... and their gonna try and feed me their buggers!! god i love my job

[Aleka]: sarcasm

[Shadow Reaper]: lol i've worked in a restaurant, so i'm not sure which is worse

[Aleka]: ...i've never done that.. but i love kids and i don't think i'd like serving people... so i think my job is probally better

[Shadow Reaper]: ^^; actually, i had to wash the dishes and cook the food

[Aleka]: ...thats not that bad... though i hate my own cooking but cooking isn't bad... where'd you work?? if you don't mind me asking

[Shadow Reaper]: it was a small family restaurant near the town i went to highschool at...worked there for three years

[Aleka]: cool... i've worked at the church daycare for four years... aren't i speacial!.. .anyway... i gtg ttyl

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, k, ttyl ^^

[Aleka]: sarah is back with that evil smiley!

[Yanaba]: ooh yay

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 three people are back...^^

[Animal*Girl]: yes i am.

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 and she did more than just a smiley this time

[Aleka]: omg! sarah can talk!

[Yanaba]: wow

[theblade]: lol yeah wow

[Aleka]: ...thats thats.. wow... i'm at a loss still

[Yanaba]: ....and she much for her saying stuff.

[Aleka]: i know... still shocking though

[Yanaba]: yes...very

[Aleka]: anyway...

[Yanaba]: ...

[Animal*Girl]: you guys are funny, looking that is.....hehehehehehehehe.

[Aleka]: ...loook whose talking.... ;P

[Yanaba]: OMG!!!

[Animal*Girl]: yeah you're right, nominate me for ugliest of the month!

[Aleka]: lol... i already nominated someone... i can't nominate another person... that would make me look like an over bearing bitch

[Animal*Girl]: damn you!!!!

[Alkor]: nomonate who for who and where?

[Yanaba]: I'll nominate u sarah!!! *arives in hero style*

[Alkor]: what are you people talking about? nominate who and where? ANSWERE >:[

[Yanaba]: nominate the ugliest of the month on ugly people united

[Alkor]: lmfao

[Aleka]: i know... my ugly wiki is the best

[theblade]: you guys arn't ugly

[Aleka]: ....sure.... whatever you say... anywayz... i'm the president of ugly people united! i was gonna say that you all are welcome but some might take offense to that...

[Cherub]: Hey all just leaving a message to say my laptop has broken so will not be on for a while i will join ugly people when i get back :P

[Aleka]: 8D but at the same time 8(... joining ugly people... but broken laptop... happy yet sad.... conflicting emotions! ahhhhh

[Yanaba]: aw...broken stuff sucks!

[Animal*Girl]: yeah, berni you're going to nominate me!! my hero

[Aleka]: ....8D... i love how popular this competition is getting... three people already nominated! and i haven't even finished making the rules!

[Alkor]: lol

[Animal*Girl]: yeah i don't even know what its about but i know i'll win!!!

[Aleka]: lol... no i doubt it....

[dendrite.]: this page has nothing to do with Submit "dumbasses" here

[Aleka]: .....umm... k... whatever you say

[Yanaba]: ooh new contest!...that'd be kinda mean though....yet funny...interesting!

[Alkor]: lmfao. I have no camera for the contest so i cannt be in it

[Yanaba]: well, [dendrite.]'s contest doesn't need a picture, but if you were talking about the mmw contest......well, you should be able to somehow get a picture because u already have pictures on your'd u get those in there w/ out a camera. you had to have had a camera at some point in order to have a picture on your page.

[Aleka]: ...maybe he used his parents?

[Alkor]: lol

[Aleka]: did you?

[Animal*Girl]: i want pics!!!!!!!!

[dendrite.]: what in the hell are u talking about [Yanaba]?

[Alkor]: Youdon't need a camera. You can use a scanner XD

[Yanaba]: i dunno...u mentioned a contest and tony was like i don't have a camera so i can't be in the contest so i thought he was talking about your's but so yeah....

[Aleka]: ....8D.... i've gotten nothing to say

[Cherub]: hey all how you been? long time not been on

[Aleka]: i'm alive! your alive! were all alive! omg! and i'm on spring break!! happy day!

[Yanaba]: Yay!!!!!...i need pictures.....

[Cherub]: spring break sounds like fun i just have this week then back to uni work *sighs* we all want pictures :P

[Aleka]: ....berni... i know you probally won't be on... but tomorrow... movie... picture day... then i have to go make dinner and go to work but after that we can finish up everything else... but we can't get together till after 2 cause of stuff.... i'd call... but its 9...

[Animal*Girl]: wow, long message. and it wasn't even for me.

[Aleka]: 8D... but your not in town sarah... so i can't give you messages about doing stuff... when do you get back?

[Alkor]: Mary. I own you.

[Aleka]: ...? no no i don't think i'd like to be owned by anyone... i like being free

[Alkor]: I own you..lmfao

[Aleka]: can have me on loan for a little while...

[Alkor]: What about that time when we go to same college and roomates?

[Aleka]: ...well... when i'm available... ;)

[Alkor]: you will be

[Aleka]: ...only if you make it worth my time... ;P

[Alkor]: You bet i will XD

[Aleka]: you've yet to show me that! but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now


[Aleka]: ;P

[Alkor]: heheh...remember. 3 hours non-stop hun

[Aleka]: non stop? what no down time? or you gonna make that time fun to?

[Alkor]: *blionks* FINE

[Aleka]: ...fine don't fill me in... just leave me hanging (hehe funny word) as to what your gonna do... you know i'm dieing to have details...

[Alkor]: Down time for you

[Aleka]: down time? i think guys have that problem a bit more than girls....

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